We are growing, we are learning and we are all collaborating to create a new paradigm to heal our clients and improve ourselves. We are all very excited, and with that enthusiasm we must be careful with what we say and how we present ourselves.
There are many dedicated people working hard to bring this approach of health and wellness to the world and we need to be mindful of maintaining standards. These standards in our workshops, practitioners and trainers represent a level of excellence that will enable our philosophy and techniques to flourish.
Please read the following guidance to help maintain those standards:
Only certified practitioners and trainers may use the logo or trademarks. Delegates who have completed the Havening training but not yet competed their certification are not authorized to use the word Havening in any published material or websites. And they cannot claim to be certified, qualified or anything other than, they have trained and are working toward certification.
These guidelines offer great opportunities for an entrepreneurial individual and recommendations for how we present ourselves to the public.
- Use of trademarks & logos Intellectual Property guidelines
- Group Presentations & Introduction to Havening Techniques
These are working documents that set parameters and ways to use your skill sets so that we all continue to work on a level playing field. Our goal is ‘contained flexibility’, meaning we are happy to hear about new ideas and ventures that you feel will be beneficial to all.
If there are questions or if clarification is needed, please contact Feliciana at corporate headquarters by sending an email to: info@havening.org or call USA 001.516.712.8248
All my best,
Steve Ruden
Intellectual Property Guidelines
A trademark generally consists of a word, phrase, symbol or a combination of all of them. It can be further defined as a symbol, word, or phrase legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product.
A copyright protects original literary content and is defined as the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same.
Dr. Ronald Ruden through the company Center for Havening Research and Training, Inc. is the registered owner of several trademark applications and registered trademarks world-wide: Havening Technique™, Havening Techniques®, Havening Therapy® stylized, Havening Touch® Stylized, Delta Techniques™.
Center for Havening Research and Training, Inc. fully supports US and international intellectual property rights and requires all certified practitioners to fulfill the moral and legal obligations with respect to our use of copyrighted and trademarked property of Center for Havening Research and Training, Inc. Certified Practitioners of the Havening Techniques must seek permission to use copyrighted works and trademarks whenever appropriate.
Unauthorized use of materials will be taken seriously and addressed appropriately. You may risk your certification status with unauthorized use of Center for Havening Research and Training, Inc. trademark and/or breach of copyright policy.
The authorized users of the trademarks and copyrights owned by Dr. Ronald Ruden and Center for Havening Research and Training, Inc. must certify that they understand this policy and that they will only use the trademarks and any copyrighted materials in an appropriate manner.
Only Certified Havening Practitioners are authorized to use the collateral in the following manner
- In all websites, published material etc, the first reference to Havening must include the exact title – Havening Techniques ®
- Subsequent use of the word Havening in the document or website should not show the registered trademark symbol ®
- Every web page or document that contains the word Havening must display the following footer “Jane Doe and/or XYZ Consulting is a/are certified practitioner(s) of Havening Techniques. Havening Techniques is a registered trade mark of Ronald Ruden, 15 East 91st Street, New York. www.havening.org”
- It is not permitted to use the word havening in combination with any other words without corporate approval.
- Only certified practitioners and trainers may use the logo or trademarks. Delegates who have completed the Havening training but not yet competed their certification are not authorized to use the word Havening in any published material or websites.
- If you have the logo on your site it must also have a link back to www.havening.org
- Any videos must be pre-approved by HQ before putting on to the web
Should you wish to use the collateral in any way that is different to the specifications above, please contact corporate headquarters for assistance. We will work with each certified practitioner to ensure that the trademarks and copyrights are used appropriately.
Unauthorized use will put at risk the status of any certified practitioner who continues to use the intellectual property of Center for Havening Research and Training, Inc.
Group Presentations and Introductions to Havening Techniques®
Group presentations and Introductions to Havening Techniques can be used for client acquisition, corporate advising and other endeavors, however content control is paramount to retaining our professional status.
In order to maintain our standards and represent a level of excellence that will enable our philosophy and techniques to flourish, it is vital that presenters have a thorough and comprehensive understanding of the material being shared.
Only Certified Practitioners can be authorized to offer group presentations and introduction to Havening sessions.
Approval for a group presentation of less than an hour in duration can be obtained by emailing info@havening.org, including a submission of your proposed event for each event you go to.
Introductory sessions to Havening Techniques, including the display of slides and performance of a demonstration can only be performed by using the approved standard created by Dr. Steven Ruden. In order to receive approval to use the 2-hour Introduction material, you will be required to submit a 10 minute video evidencing your presentation skills, to ensure that standards are maintained. Alternatively, you may request a Skype session with Dr. Steven Ruden to present to him ‘live’.
We look forward to supporting and encouraging the growth of your business as we expand Havening to further benefit humankind.
If you have any questions please email: feliciana@havening.org
Best regards,