Burbank, CA

November 5th 2016 9:00am-5:00pm & November 6th 2016 9:00am-5:00pm

Kate Truitt

Join us for a 2-day training in the Havening Techniques! The Havening Techniques is comprised of protocols and methods that rely on the electrochemical makeup of our body to create healing. It is an efficient and effective tool for healing emotional disturbances, PTSD, CPTSD, anxiety, panic, phobias, and other stress-related disturbances through the depotentiation of neurons in the amygdala. As a psychosensory treatment approach, the Havening Techniques is an integrative psychotherapy approach compatible with traditional and contemporary treatment paradigms. Additionally, Havening provides a protective barrier against vicarious traumatization - one of the primary causes of burnout in the healing professions. Come learn how to enhance your practice with better healing through neuroscience!

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