Is anxiety and fear taking over your life ?
There’s no denying the physical experience of anxiety and trauma can literally take over your life, but I really want to assure you there is light at the end of the tunnel, and that feeling you have now doesn’t have to feel a life sentence.
Hi I’m Kate, Trauma & Narcissism informed clinical hypnotherapist, Practitioner & Coach, Although today I wake up with a feeling of peace and contentment, life wasn’t always that way, life has certainly thrown me some rather big challenges that have left me wondering “why me” on so many occasions.
Coming through the other end of a grade 4 Sarcoma in my leg, a perforated bowel due to Crohns disease and safely exiting a domestic abusive marriage has not only allowed me see just how resilient I actually am, but my healing process from these events lead me to my true calling.
Becoming an approved HaveningPractitioner specialising in the physical and psychological experiences linked to Trauma has been life changing for me in resolving childhood events that were not only holding me back in life which effecting my confidence, but it was these same childhood events that lead to the deterioration of my health and found me feeling trapped in an abusive relationship for far too long.
So you see, I’ve been exactly were you are now and I’ve come through the storm stronger for those experiences and with my support you can too.
I pride myself in my intuitive approach to healing, incorporating my range of skills to achieve the best outcome, so you too can break free, break through and flourish to a happier and brighter future.
My portfolio of skills and certifications include:
Certified Havening Practitioner
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapy
Inner child informed
Certified Meditation teacher
Domestic abuse awareness diploma
Resonant Frequency breathing coach
Introductory Counciling certification in substance abuse
Narcissistic abuse specialist
Positive psycology informed
Mckenzie Friend Divorce Coach
Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach