Marx Acosta-Rubio

Certified Practitioner since January 2022

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While having struggled with Panic disorders, anxiety, stress, and self doubt, Marx still managed to grow one of Americas Fastest Growing company’s (#383 in the Inc. 500 List). 


After having grown it, destroyed it and rebuilt it, Marx realized he needed the tools to work on himself in order to not only eliminate his panic attacks, anxiety, and several other maladies, he wanted to thrive and focus more on how to achieve more, in fact much more, with less.  


As Marx doubled his income and his net worth time and time again, becoming a deca-millionaire, and attaining all most of the riches that money can’t buy, a few others whom know him and had seen the crash and burn to coming back again, started asking Marx if he would be willing to help them. 


At first Marx was a bit doubtful he would be able to help others, as his journey had been primarily about self development. 


But as a friend who found himself in dire straights pleaded for Marx to try, he did just that. 


Marx had become certified in NLP, UR (Unconscious Restructuring), Hypnosis, and a few other technologies, to use those on himself, and he figured if his friend was willing to trust Marx, then Marx was willing to do his best.


Since then Marx has not only helped successful individuals double their income and double their time off, he has helped people live their best lives by helping them attain their desired results in all areas of their lives, and in some cases even unreasonable success too.

Areas of specialization

Addictions, Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse, Food addiction, Gambling addiction, Internet addiction, Quit smoking, Sex addiction, Anger management, Anxiety, Fear of flying, Panic attacks, Eating disorders, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Low self-confidence, Obsessions and compulsions, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Public speaking, Relationship issues, Sexual issues, Stress, Weight loss, Adolescents, Interview Nerves, Unusual tendencies, Self-Belief, Self-Development, Shyness, Belief Creation, Confidence, Empowerment, Weight


Dallas TX
Austin, TX
Salt Lake City, UT
