Jackie qualified from University with a Bsc (Hons) in Occupational Therapy and Psychology in 2002. She has worked within the mental health sector for the NHS for over 2 decades with older adults, new Mums and Mums to be and with children and young people. She works with a large proportion of young people who are neurodiverse and supports them to live a more fulfilling and independent life. Jackie has experience using Behavioural Activation and Motivational Interviewing to help people who may be ‘stuck’ and not living their best life due to anxiety, depression or other mental health conditions. Jackie has trained to be a Hypnotherapist and is enjoying integrating Havening into her practise. She loves having Havening as a tool to help clients as she believes it is an effective, quick and amazing therapy to deal with difficult memories of trauma.
Jackie uses a person-centred approach and provides people of all ages a safe space to open up about their issues. She knows that people are complicated and have many layers to their personalities – she is experienced at looking at them holistically while also appreciating their childhood experiences and how these impact on their present lives.
Many people from various backgrounds have worked with Jackie and have provided lots of positive feedback:
“I was not able to leave my house without my Mum and missed school for over 3 years until I met Jackie. She was a whirl-wind of positive energy and explained why anxiety had overtaken my life. I now have a relationship with my Dad, been in contact with old friends and returned to school to finish my learning and have been accepted at University so am planning to move away from home…..thank you so much Jackie!!” (Emma, 17)
“Jackie……I passed my driving test. I was so anxious about it and have put it off for years but seeing you for hypnosis really helped me imagine that I had passed already. I was so confident compared to how I felt when I first came to see you. I’m away car shopping now J” (Sarah, 33)
“Working with you has been so helpful. You are a lovely, warm and compassionate person and have not judged me or my past but accepted me for who I am. I am a better and happier person after working with you and I'm not worrying any more about the past. I can’t thank you enough and will be back for Havening again.” (Derek, 55)
Jackie trained with Steven Travers and is looking forward to helping new and existing clients while utilising the Havening technique.