Melanie Vinton, MA LMFT
I have a strong passion to mentor, connect, teach, and collaborate with others in the mental health field. I am an intuitive and heart-led leader in the field of mental health, with a natural strength for bringing people together and facilitating professional and personal growth as well as collaboration.
I have 18 years of experience in healing complex trauma with individuals and families. I look at issues and patterns through a trauma-informed lens and have a passion for utilizing therapies such as Havening Techniques HT®, EMDR, Anchored Relational Model, somatically informed practices, yoga movement, and the attachment theory. I draw on this experience to assist my clients and families with the trauma healing process. When I was looking for additional tools for healing trauma in a gentler way, Havening brought this for me! From the moment I was at the informational meeting, I knew that I needed to get trained in this modality. The beauty of utilizing the tool of Havening touch HT® has allowed me to help more clients heal their trauma in a more effective way. I cannot say enough about how HaveningHT® has expanded my practice of healing trauma!
As the Clinical Leader and founder of Invigorate Life Counseling, I have successfully mentored and developed many emerging therapists. I primarily use self-as-therapist and an open and direct communication to mentor and support therapists entering the field for the first time. I also draw from my experiences and offer in-session learning to my supervisees to teach different modalities for trauma healing.