Coralie has 30 years of experience working with children & families. Her warm, honest and open nature make her an obvious choice for people wanting to address issues with children, young people and adults facing anxiety, loss, sadness, trauma, loneliness, fear, confusion, depression and family-related issues. She works with clients of all ages to resolve both acute and long-standing chronic emotional problems. She enjoys finding new and creative ways of working with children, families and school programmes and has supported many people to move on from abuse, neglect, trauma and mental health issues. Coralie provides specialist support for neurodiverse clients as well as offering a dyslexia-friendly literacy programme using visualisation. As a qualifed Portage Worker, she has guided families through developmental programmes for pre-schoolers with special needs. The concept of using healing touch was already clear to Coralie in her capacity as a holistic therapist including being a qualified Massage-in-Schools therapist.
Committed to giving the vulnerable a voice, she has represented children in family proceedings, supported unaccompanied asylum seeker minors and was nominated as a Children's Champion by her locality.
She is a certified NLP therapist and hypnotherapist for children and a trainer in NLP. Proud to be amongst the first ever cohort of practitioners to be trained in both PsyTap with Kevin Laye and also Cognitive Psychological First Aid, she is currently the Project Manager for the Children and Adolescents Resiliene and Empowerment Programme with the UK-based charity, Heads Up CIO.
Coralie is educated to Masters level in Social Work Studies with a first degree in Interdisciplinary Human Studies and post-graduate diploma Specialist Children's Route. Always keen to update her learning and improve the service she offers to clients, Coralie is currently working towards her ILM Level 5 in Clean Coaching. She has been interviewed on Channel 10 Israel about her charitable work in connection with the Manchester Arena terrorist attack in 2017. She was also included in filming for a BBC documentary at the KPCPC centre for children with selective mutism in New York where she has donated a total of 5 weeks volunteer counselling.