Stephen Travers is the Director of U.K. and International Havening, & one of the worlds most skilled & experienced International Havening Techniques Trainers.
He works alongside the creators of Havening, Drs Ronald & Steven Ruden in this new neuroscientific psycho-sensory approach for healing trauma
As an International Havening Techniques Trainer Stephen trains therapists on how to use Havening to free their clients from anxiety & live their lives with confidence.
And has presented in the USA, Europe & the UK.
He also is one of Ireland's leading hypnotherapists & Certified Havening Techniques Practitioners.
Stephen is the owner of the award winning Advanced Hypnotherapy Dublin clinic which specialises in helping people overcome anxiety based disorders, trauma, stress & confidence issues.
He is also a seasoned speaker and trainer with over 15 years experience in successfully treating thousands of clients.
You can check out his website for a list of his services and clients video testimonials of the excellent results he achieves.
Also you can view his media/TV interviews and coverage about the Havening Techniques on his You Tube channel see
Stephen is passionate about about personal & professional development and in keeping up to date with the latest psychological advancements that can best help his clients and the health professionials he trains.
His Havening and hypnotherapy anxiety program combines the best of leading psychological methods and techniques alongside Havening to help produce fast, lasting and positive outcomes and results for his clients.
Stephen also has a Confidence Hypnotherapy with Havening program for people who want to improve their confidence in areas such as social situations, public speaking, sales and business. Please see for more information.
He also writes a weekly award winning hypnotherapy blog were he shares valuable information, insights and advice to help people overcome challenges such as anxiety, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder, phobias, depression, weight loss, improving confidence and to lead a more happier, fulfilling life. Please see for Stephens regular blogs posts about hypnotherapy, NLP and Havening.
To keep up to date with Stephens upcoming training programs, client testimonials, new content and special offers check out his facebook page
If you are therapist or mental health professional we invite you to attend Stephens Free Introduction to The Havening Techniques live on 17th February 2022.
See link below to register
Mentorship Program for New Students who want to become Certified.
Stephen has successfully mentored and coached numerous new students to become excellent Certified Havening Techniques Practitioners.
Check out all the 5 Star Reviews & Testimonials from Havening Practitioners who have been mentored by him on this link
If you want to mentored by Stephen please contact Havening HQ or email with your request.
For a complimentary phone consultation with Stephen call 01 484 7834 or 086 178 6809
Advanced Hypnosis Dublin & Havening Techniques
For Fast, Lasting Positive Results!
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