I am an expert in child trauma, specifically with regard to therapeutic parenting, mainly in adoption and fostering. I am an adopter and former social worker and multiple best selling published author in the field. I am the founder of the National Association of Therapeutic Parents (not for profit), which works intensively with parents of children who have suffered trauma. I have conducted and funded research into compassion fatige and have a particular interest in preventing disruption in adoption and fostering. I use Havening Techniques (r) to help families to stay together, remove triggers and assist parents in reconnecting to their child.
Currently I am the owner and Managing Director of Fostering Attachments Ltd, which is a training company trading as Inspire Training Group. Within this company a group of accredited Havening Techniques practitioners, work together in 'The Haven- Parenting and Wellbeing Centre' www.thehavenparentingandwellbeingcentre.com