Do you know how much potential there is in the present moment? When we get really grounded, rooted and present, right here and right now, we can pause in the space between breaths, in the quiet between thoughts and we can tap into infinite potential. Great healing can organically occur in this space of pure love and divine embrace. Returning to our innate wholeness, gentle releasing of past hurts and outdated beliefs and integration of fragmented parts of ourselves all becomes possible.
Hi, I’m Jo. If you want to step into your full potential and to live a life of authenticity, belonging and connection you are in the right place. I am delighted to offer sessions that are completely dedicated to you. Where you will feel seen, heard and received... exactly as you are. Where thinking levels can subside, the outside world fades away and you have a real opportunity to get beneath the surface, to hear yourself and your own wisdom and soul's knowing once again.
I encourage a deepening and rooting into the body and into the earth. When we are grounded we feel safe, strong and capable and the mind can relax. When we become ungrounded or get out of balance within ourselves, or feel fragmented, we can experience pain, suffering, discomfort, mental disturbance, and a loss of ease in our movement and in our life.
I have a strong background in body work as a physiotherapist and massage therapist, I am skilled in heart-fullness and meditation practices for peace of mind and balancing the energy system as a yoga and meditation facilitator, and I have spent years working with womb wisdom which includes menstrual health, menopause wellness and transitions in life.
Within a nurturing safe space you can gently let the physical self, the energetics and the breath move and flow together, to dance and play in harmony. Deep noticing, listening and adjusting unlocks places that are stuck, lets life flow through and with it joy and freedom. This becomes like a moving prayer, a communion between the body and the earth, between the breath and the physical being. You can release messages, beliefs and energies from the mind and past experiences that are held and expressed in the body and energy field.
If you are interested in going deeper, rebirthing sessions allow freedom from patterns picked up pre-birth and during your own birth experience. Ancestral healing also has the potential to weave through to clear imprints and impressions that get passed from one generation to the next. This moves you into even greater freedom and away from dis-ease and with it the possibility to choose in this moment, right here and now, free from the past.
What would you choose? What would you want to bring into your life, to change or to nurture and grow? I bring a natural lightness and sensitivity as well as a grounded, open hearted approach that is calming and nurturing to the mind and nervous system. This brings more and more of you into integration and into wholeness so that you can live the life your heart and soul know is possible.
A free consultation allows us to connect first. I can’t wait to meet you and begin a conversation, to get to know you better and to inspire you in your life and in your remembering of the incredible being that you are.