LIVE ONLINE TRAINING - Havening: A New Approach to Understanding Childhood Trauma & ACEs

September 18th 2020 9:30am-4:30pm

Fran Proctor

Havening: A New Approach to Understanding Childhood Trauma & ACEs 

This training day has been designed by Fran Proctor, certified Havening Techniques® Trainer and Practitioner. Frans' own lived experiences of childhood trauma and adversity ultimately led her in becoming passionate about finding the most person centred ways of not only understanding childhood trauma and adverse childhood experiences but finding alternative ways to heal if what has happened becomes life limiting and life altering. Knowing there is more value to add, using her own awareness and some of the work of Dr Ron Ruden, Fran has created Havening: A New Approach to Understanding Childhood Trauma & ACEs.

Summary of the day:

This training day invites you to re think some of the current ways of understanding childhood trauma & ACEs. You will learn very simply a new paradigm of neuroscience, prompting further ways of thinking. Based on this paradigm, you will be shown trauma informed ways as to what you can individually do professionally or personally to prevent further childhood trauma and additional trauma later in life where possible, whilst learning a way in which you can buffer yourself against trauma and stress. The benefits of Havening will be shared, a modality that can heal at any age past childhood trauma and adverse childhood experiences, dissolving many of the psychological and physiological effects in the present.

This one day training is for:

Anyone who wishes to get more curious in understanding childhood trauma and childhood adversity and for those who professionally work or live alongside those affected by childhood trauma and adverse childhood experiences either as a child or adult such as - Social workers. Foster carers. Children's guardians. Educational professionals. Early years practitioners. Doctors and nurses. Kinship carers. Police, other emergency professionals. Prison officers. Teachers. Adoptive parents. Legal professionals such as criminal/family law. Housing officers. Support workers


Full details of this one day training is available on the registration page.

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