Free Introduction to Havening Techniques® Including a Live Demo

July 27th 2024 4:00pm-5:30pm

Lynn Demers


Embark on a self-discovery and healing journey with our Free introduction to Havening Techniques®, guided by Internationally Certified Trainer Lynn Demers. This session offers an insightful exploration of the history, science, and transformative potential of Havening, plus a live demonstration.

Date & Time of Introductory Session: Saturday, July 13, 2024, at 10:00 am Pacific Standard Time

Note: Pre-registration required 

Format: Live Online via Zoom (*Note: the session will be recorded)

In this session, you will discover the following:

The History of Havening: Trace the origins of this innovative approach.

Scientific Insights: Delve into the neuroscience behind the effectiveness of Havening.

Live Demonstration: Experience the practical application and impact of Havening. (*I will be looking for a volunteer)

Versatile Applications: Learn how Havening can be used in various life scenarios and is easily integrated with other healing modalities.

Who Should Attend: Wellness Professionals of all types, Therapists, Counsellors, and Life Coaches seeking to expand their skills. Havening integrates easily with many other healing modalities.

Individuals Seeking Personal Development: Anyone interested in self-improvement and emotional well-being.

Educators and Parents: Gain techniques for fostering resilience in yourself and others.

Why Attend?

Havening Techniques® are effective for stress reduction, emotional healing, and personal development. This psychosensory method has been successful in areas such as trauma recovery, enhancing performance, and fostering positive lifestyle changes. 

If you're considering training to become a Certified Practitioner, this is a beautiful opportunity to experience Havening first-hand. 

Go to Havening Vancouver to learn more, or sign up for one of our Training Programs.



If there were a million stars, I would give them to Lynn Demers. The reasons why are many. I have worked with Lynn in several spaces, including as my Mentor for my Havening Techniques® Certification Training and as a Coach for my issues, including doing a Transformational Series. Lynn's attention to detail through her heart connection is magical. She put in a lot of time to review my case studies and provide detailed feedback to help me understand how to be a better coach. I was mind-blown several times at the level of her review of my 32 case studies. Lynn is radiant, intuitive, magical, compassionate, and brilliant. I am so proud to be in her Havening lineage. I did all my work online, and she's a stellar facilitator. I hope one day I can meet her in person. Her influence on me is profound. Thank you, Lynn. You set a beautiful example of nervous system regulation, attunement, and love. 

~ Marcia.

I chose Lynn's one-on-one course because I am a stay-at-home mom and could not do longer training sessions while caring for my daughter. Lynn's flexibility and patience were extremely valuable to me, and I also found other unexpected benefits of doing the course one-on-one.

~ Eileen

I highly recommend Lynn Demer's Havening Techniques Certification Training program.
The course is divided into 8 modules, each succinct and well-explained. On average, it took me an hour to prepare for each class, so it is very doable if you have a busy life.

The benefits of one-on-one training are manifold. I loved that scheduling the two-hour training blocks is flexible. The sessions felt personalized. I felt free to ask and share. The best part was that I got to practice havening techniques each session with Lynn and receive immediate feedback. I have to say that I looked forward to each session, for it not only provided me with learning but also felt therapeutic. I so appreciate Lynn's gentle, nonjudgmental, and encouraging teaching style.

~ Carola

I feel very privileged to be mentored by Lynn. She is very knowledgeable and skilled as she gently leads and guides you in gaining a good understanding of Havening. Very hands-on. Thank you!!!

~ Margie

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Introduction to Havening Techniques | Live Online | Lynn Demers