LIVE ONLINE! Havening Training Certification with Hilary Russo, September 28th & 29th, 2024

September 28th 2024 10:00am-6:00pm & September 29th 2024 10:00am-6:00pm

Hilary Russo

Havening Techniques Certification and Mentorship Program

Expand Your Vision and Change the World with Healing in Your Hands

Whether you are looking to elevate your health and wellness practice or desire to build resiliency in your own life or those you care about, the Havening Training and Certification Mentorship Program offers you options with
support, guidance, and community.  

The two-day 16-hour online training is the required first step of a two-step process to becoming a Certified Havening Techniques® Practitioner. 

STEP 1: The 2-Day Havening Fundamentals Training

This training is designed for you to:

  • Learn the fundamentals of Havening Techniques.
  • Discover how to build resilience and self-care tools for you and those you support.
  • Explore different protocols and safe applications designed to regulate the nervous system through neuroscience.
  • Gain hands-on experience through practical exercises and demonstrations of the seven core techniques.
  • Practice in small, integrative group settings to become more skilled using the modality.
  • Receive supportive and thoughtful feedback from your trainer and fellow attendees.

NOTE: The two-day training is designed to provide you with a deeper understanding of Havening and use it in a non-professional setting.  If you are interested in becoming a Certified Havening Techniques Practitioner, and/or using it professionally, Step Two is also required and provides you with the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of Havening as a professional skillset. 

STEP 2: The Certification/Mentorship Program 

The certification/mentorship process includes: 

  • Assessment of your 32 Case Studies (forms provided) 
  • Assessment of your Science and Ethics Review (open book/multiple choice)
  • Scheduled Zoom Support Sessions for guidance 
  • Networking with like-minded professionals to expand your support system
  • Access to comprehensive training materials and resources for ongoing learning.
  • Opportunities to connect with other trainees and practice.
  • Community support, personalized feedback, and guidance from experienced practitioners.

Why Hilary?
Hilary Russo is one of the first 150 Havening Practitioners to be certified in the US of only 1000 globally. She studied directly with the co-developing doctors, Dr. Ron and Steve Ruden who have called her "The Pioneer Practitioner" for her dedication and devotion to the field of Havening and emotional well-being education. Hilary is also an award-winning professor, presenter, and holistic health practitioner with an ability to engage audiences and create a safe space for learning to be kind to your mind.  

To learn more about the program:

More about Hilary's work in Havening:

Connect with Hilary This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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LIVE ONLINE! Havening Practitioner Certification Training with Hilary Russo